From left to right: Mariela Rojas, Pedro Carbuccia, Jose Aguilar Mendez, Maria Mancuso, Rodrigo Paez and Frank Santeiro
In our efforts to continue providing support to our members, CLADEC organized a visit to Guayaquil, Ecuador. Our delegation was represented by: Frank Santeiro, FedEx and Chairman of the Automation Committee; Pedro Carbuccia, UPS; Jose Aguilar Mendez, DHL and Vice-Chairman of the Customs Committee and Maria Mancuso, Executive Director of CLADEC.
Our initial meeting was held with our local association in Ecuador, ASEME, represented by its President, Rodrigo Paez; Mariela Rojas, UPS; Juan Carlos Delgado, FedEx; Eduardo Mallarino and Byron Quintana from DHL.
The meeting was very important for CLADEC to have a first-hand understanding of the issues that ASEME and its representatives are facing in the country and to position CLADEC for its supportive role in the region.

From left to right: Rodrigo Paez, Eduardo Mallarino, Bayron Quintana, Juan Carlos Delgado, Frank Santeiro, Pedro Carbuccia, and Mariela Rojas
Our delegation also met with Mr. Santiago Leon, Customs Head of Ecuador.
As a result of the meeting, CLADEC was provided with the opportunity to submit comments and suggestions on the new law that the Customs Authorities are currently working on. In addition, a workshop between the Customs Authorities and ASEME was organized.
CLADEC thanks ASEME for its support and appreciates the invitation extended to assist the local association in strengthening its position in the country and with local authorities.