
Postal Service to End Delivery of Letters on Saturdays
Published by The New York Times Postal Service is expected to announce on Wednesday morning that it will stop delivering letters and other mail on Saturdays, but continue to handle packages, a move the financially struggling agency said would save about $2 billion annually as it looks for ways to cut cost.

FedEx and UPS back US involvement in global trade talks
Published by Post and Parcel FedEx and UPS have hailed the US government’s intention to join international negotiations in Geneva later this year, designed to bring down services trade barriers.

La industria express genera unos 2,75 millones de empleos
Published by La Razon Un estudio de Oxford Economics destaca la importancia para el comercio mundial de los servicios que ofrecen las empresas de servicio expreso y/o courier para facilitar la entrega de mercancías en el mundo. Esta nota fue preparada por Carlos Daza Leytón donde resalta que Bolivia es representada por la Asociación Boliviana de Empresas Courier y dejando entrever que Bolivia pertenece a la Confederación Latinoamericana de Empresas Courier – CLADEC. 00:02 / 13 de enero de 2013...

Amazon’s Holiday Run Helps Put UPS in Prime Position
Published by Bloomberg Businessweek Yeah, I’ll admit it: Not only do I read the Economist, I look forward to my weekly copy. It makes me look and feel smart, all that erudition and high-concept cheek, and no one writes a better obit. I imagine a bunch of Economist editors who look like Alistair Cooke teaching me SAT-busting words like “corpulent” and “eldritch.”