
Protectionism: Argentina Global Champion
Argentina has implemented the largest number of protectionist measures worldwide, according to a Latin Business Chronicle analysis of Global Trade Alert data from the UK-based Center for Economic Policy Research. Argentina has implemented a whopping 191 protectionist measures. Russia, the runner-up worldwide, has implemented 172 measures.

CLADEC to meet with international organizations
CLADEC has been invited to participate in a joint meeting with EAA, GEA and the Canadian Association that will take place in Washington DC on June 18, 2012. During the meeting, representatives from all these organizations will discuss best practices in the industry. The meeting also has the objective of discussing coordinated efforts in the customs and security areas.

Chile awards tender and sets schedule for implementation of international trade single window with IDB support
The Chilean Finance Minister, Felipe Larraín, announced March 14, 2012 the award of tender of the Integrated Foreign Trade System (SICEX) to the CrimsonLogic-Everis consortium with the goal of developing the design, implementation, and start of SICEX, within the framework of a project financed by the IDB.

Mexico: Invertirá DHL 35 mdd en el país en nuevo centro de distribución
La empresa de mensajería y paquetería DHL invertirá 35 millones de dólares en un nuevo centro de distribución en México, informó Felipe Silva, vicepresidente de DHL Express. El recinto, también conocido como hub, se localizará en Tres Ríos, Cuahutitlán Izcalli y será automatizado, previendo que se inaugure en el segundo semestre de 2011, con capacidad de mover 200 mil paquetes al día, el doble que traslada la empresa.