We have a Facebook Page!
We are proud to announce that CLADEC has now a Facebook page for all of us to interact. Please, click below and “like it” to follow the latest news. Estamos orgullosos de anunciar que CLADEC tiene ahora una pagina de Facebook en la que todos podemos interactuar. Por favor, hagan click en el siguiente link y click en “me gusta” para seguir las ultimas novedades.
Flowers Import to USA
Interesting video on how U.S. customs are inspecting Valentine’s Day flowers coming in the country.
Committees Conference Calls for 2011
We are pleased to share with you that the Committees Conference Calls for 2011 will start again in February! CLADEC is only as strong as the support and participation of its country associations. Our Committees are vital to the success of our Association and only through your participation we can advance the interests of our members. Please feel free to extend this invitation to all members in your respective associations or companies.
DHL Announces New CEO for Latin America
Stephen Fenwick is chief executive officer of DHL Express Americas. He is responsible for the management of DHL Express business activities in 50 countries and territories in the Americas region, which includes the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and South America. Prior to his current appointment, Mr. Fenwick served as the Senior Vice President – Network Operations for Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa for DHL Express and was a member of DHL’s APEM Management Board.