WCO publishes 2018 edition of SAFE Framework of Standards
Today, the WCO published the 2018 edition of the SAFE Framework of Standards, following its adoption by the Council - the Organization's highest decision-making body - at the end of June 2018. The Framework provides baseline international standards to secure and facilitate global trade. It is updated every three years to ensure that it remains relevant and reflects new opportunities, challenges and associated solutions. Launched in 2005, this unique instrument ushered in modern supply chain...
Pacific Alliance Members sign first plurilateral Mutual Recognition Arrangement
On 21 July 2018, the Pacific Alliance, a trade bloc formed by Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, signed a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of their respective Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programmes in Puerto Vallarta (Mexico), within the framework of the XIII Presidential Summit of the Pacific Alliance. This plurilateral MRA is the first of its kind, ensuring movement of goods by strengthening the security of the international supply chain, and improving trade facilitation within the...

La Reunion Annual de CLADEC se llevó a cabo el 6 y 7 de Noviembre de 2017. Contó con la participación de 96 representantes de 20 países de Latinoamérica y el mundo. Se llevaron a cabo interesantes discusiones y se entregó a Mike Parra un reconocimiento por su trabajo como Chairman de CLADEC.

Reconocimiento a la trayectoria
Durante la conferencia anual de CLADEC 2016, que marcó los 25 años de la organización, se otorgaron dos reconocimientos a miembros por su invaluable aporte a la industria durante estos años. Frank X. Santeiro y Maggie Hughes fueron los recipientes de la distinción.